Changes to Print – Jake Pettit – Wk3

I started this week by meeting with Yuling and Matt to go over a few design decisions and to talk about confirming printing.  I have been thinking about the idea to sew paper onto canvas as a way of mounting our posters and adding a design element. I finally gave this a shot, and the team agreed on the direction for the exhibit posters. Below was simple and quick to make but effective at getting the rustic collage feeling across, which is good in this limited amount of time we have left.

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I also worked on doing a few last minute UX changes from user testing we held on Sunday, like adding the artists name to the image descriptions on the collage.

And creating projected instructions for the loom. I still need to run these by Dev so see if it is possible to have this much feedback to the user, but if not that means just a small design tweak.

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Finally I began work on editing together Ange’s video interview, but the results of that are still not close to finished.


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